Spring Regatta Medemblik

By 4 januari 2010juni 5th, 2018Nieuws

This year the Dutch Championship will not be held on the IJsselmeer, but nevertheless there are two interesting events scheduled on this ‘great lake’. Those who like steering on and surfing from waves should come to Medemblik in the first weekend of May. This venue is the Dutch Olympic venue and is second to none: extensive and challenging racing area, perfect accomodation and brilliant race management. Medemblik is must for the true sailor. The Spring Regatta will be hosting Solo Class, OK dingy and Phantom, so we are expecting competitors from the UK. Please note that contrary to the other classes the Solos will only race on May 1st en 2nd.

On Saturday there will be a Happy Hour from 18h00 at the famous ‘café Brakeboer’, followed by a joined dinner (pasta buffet with salad and desert) with the OK sailors at 19h00. At 20h00 Peerke Kortekaas, National Dutch Solo Class Champion 2008 and 2009, will give a lecture titled ‘Winning is done between the ears, the benefits of mental training’. He will cover topics like ‘why mental training’, ‘how to become better by mental training’ and ‘how to (mentally) train’. The entry fee for the event is € 40,- the price for dinner is € 15,- pp, the lecture is free (albeit in Dutch ;-)”


Saturday May 1

08h00 registration
12h00 start race 1
asap start race 2
asap start race 3
18h00 Happy Hour at café brakeboer
19h00 dinner at café Brakeboer
20h00 lecture by Peerke Kortekaas

Sunday May 2

10h30 start race 4
asap start race 5
asap start race 6
asap prizegiving
No warning signal will be given after 15h30 on Sunday 2 May

Registration closes on April 14. The number of prizes will be based on the number of entries on that date so make sure to register now!

Click here for the NoR

Click here for the registration form.

Click here for the entry list